Socks and I would love to have you join us on our adventure together.
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Socks and I can't wait to hear your thoughts and ideas! Join us for our blog!
We would love to read to your school or class.
I would love to hear your comments, thoughts and suggestions about reading, writing, and about Socks.
I am a teacher who loves to read and write. As a former classroom teacher, I have a great love for children's books. This is part of what led to the creation of Socks on the Loose. I've always been told to write about what you know. I have three cats, and Socks is the oldest of the three. I hope you enjoy his story. Socks on the Loose . . . Again is out! Look for the third book soon: Socks and the Mean Sister.
I have loved sharing Socks with friends, readers, children and animal lovers everywhere.